About Jill Lawson

Jill Lawson, M.Ed. is a certified yoga teacher and personal trainer from Dolores, Colo. She enjoys snowshoeing and cross-country skiing with her husband and three Labradors. She has been teaching yoga and fitness for nearly 20 years and her classes include Core Yoga, Ski Yoga, Yoga for Golfers and Pilates.


The Snowshoer’s Guide to Staying Fit in the Off-Season

It is seemingly evident that snowshoe enthusiasts share a love of the great outdoors.   Who else would leap from a cozy, comfortable couch and go for a walk in cold and blustery winter conditions?  As wintertime offers variable snow conditions that capture our interest and attention, spring is also a unique time to go out and explore what the melting snow reveals.  Big changes are taking place everywhere you look.  Buds are popping out on tree limbs, tiny flowers start to bloom and water and mud abound.  Weather oscillates between rain and sun with resilient gale force winds that blow us into summer.

Fitness Tips to Help Fine-tune a Snowshoer’s Body

It's no secret that winter sports whip us into shape.  For some, an activity like snowshoeing is solely a means to improve fitness while enjoying the great outdoors.  For others, it is a way to satisfy a craving for competition.  At times, these cold weather endeavors can make us feel strong and powerful, and other times we are left feeling greatly defeated.